At the expense of being the last person to write my review/opinion on Gov. Palin's speech, I decided to wait till this morning. As I was only able to watch pieces of her speech last night my initial thought was that she was going to play it safe. I was gladly mistaken when I watched the whole speech via You Tube. I was immediately hit with her confidence, a confidence that can only come from a person who has been tried and tested. I witnessed a woman who was humble but also very proud of her family, state, running mate and country. She struck me as a leader who can rise above the immature bickering that has plagued our political structure and get to the real reason she was there, to serve and defend America.
I have enough confidence in Senator McCain to know that he would not pick a running mate based on who he thinks would win him the election. Senator McCain is not the type of leader who is willing to change who he is or what he believes to win. He wins by sticking to his beliefs and convictions and trusting his instincts and his gathered wisdom. Not only does it disrespect Gov. Palin, but all women to think that Senator McCain picked her because of her gender.
The answer to all the questions to why Senator McCain choose Gov. Palin was obvious last night. She has experience on an executive level, while this is not a prerequisite it is noteworthy. She is knowledgeable on our fight for energy independence and the methods for achieving this. Gov. Palin is the commander in chief of a military organization. She comes from a small town that is very similar to most American towns. She has, by all accounts, an average American family who supports and loves her. Gov. Palin is not part of the "machine" and is not subject to the rules and regulations of the "good-old boys". She is not looking for the approval of the beltway, rather, the chance to serve Americans.
Gov. Palin did take shots at Senator Obama, not for the sake of attacking him but to highlight the difference in principles and beliefs. I personally believe that she was very effective in her criticisms of her opponent. Gov Palin said, "But listening to him speak, it’s easy to forget that this is a man who has authored two memoirs but not a single major law or even a reform, not even in the State Senate.
This is a man who can give an entire speech about the wars America is fighting and never use the word “victory,” except when he’s talking about his own campaign." She asked, "...what exactly is our opponent’s plan?" Then she described the answer, "The answer — the answer is to make government bigger, and take more of your money, and give you more orders from Washington, and to reduce the strength of America in a dangerous world."
She continues to question Senator Obama's position on energy, victory in Iraq, terrorists, building a bigger government and raising taxes. Some will state that she was sarcastic, but as Matthew wrote in chapter 11, " He who has ears to hear, let him hear!"
I heard and I believe America heard.
Did you hear?
Open Thread
1 day ago
Ya, good observations. One thing though....I wasn't aware that Obama had any real positions. Talking points don't count! :)
I heard, but I don't think those around me heard as much over my clapping and yelling. My final words when the speech was done were "Damn, anything that flies that far ought to have a stewardess on it, she knocked that one in to the next zip code!"
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