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Friday, September 5, 2008

Mental Explosion

As I downloaded Senator Obama's "Blueprint for Change", I remind myself to be open-minded and free from preconceptions. I had read parts of it before but saw the same evading attempts to answer questions to his position as I saw in the movie Dodge Ball. So with renewed patience and dedication to the pursuit of Senator Obama’s “open, candid, and clear” plan/stance I embarked on my journey.

As a Marine I find myself taking this “mission” to understand the enemy very seriously. I am not implying that Senator Obama is an enemy. I feel that his ideologies are the enemy to our great nation. The belief that America is not great NOW is the enemy. The idea that the USA is so bad that it needs to be changed, rather than maintained and improved is the enemy. The suggestion that HOPE is needed to get through the dreary American life is the enemy. The shameful association with ones country is the enemy.

After peeling back the blue cover page and table of contents I see a message from Sen. Obama to me. One sentence really hits a nerve with me. Sen. Obama states his reason for running for President,
"The dream that so many generations fought for feels as if it’s slowly slipping away… I run to offer this country change that we can believe in."
What dream is slipping away? Why is that dream slipping away? Is it because of President Bush? Is it because of Iraq? Is it because of Congress? Is it because of the American people? Is it because of the global economy? Is it because of our environment? Is it because of the media?

Sen. Obama feels, “This is the defining moment in our history.” Don’t get me wrong, the times to come are important but defining? I guess to Sen. Obama this election will be more defining and important in our history than the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, the Civil War, women’s suffrage, the defeat of the Central Powers in World War I, the defeat of the Axis military alliance in World War II, the civil rights movement, etc.

I will continue to go through this blueprint and try to piece together the puzzle that as Sen. Obama’s asserts is, “…where I stand on the fundamental issues facing our country.”

I encourage any and all thoughts, concerns, complaints and suggestions.

Please stay tuned for future posts as I wade through these murky waters…

Mark43 Out!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so right, Obama's ideals are the enemy to this nation and everything it stands for. What Obama wants to change us to is a combination of Socialist and Communist ideals, the very ideals that many American soldiers died to protect is from. If Obama wins, those deaths will have been in vain.

Obama doesn't look at history, has no idea what we fought against when we fought Hitler and Hussein and more like him. That is the America he wants. Scary