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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Why is this a big deal?

If Gov. Palin's daughter had decided to get a abortion, would the press leave this story alone? Would all liberal readers respect her decision?
If they (the liberals) would respect her decision to have an abortion, then why do they not show respect for her decision to have the baby?
If Senator Obama had a 17-year-old daughter who became pregnant out of wedlock and the conservative side attacked this way, would America condone that behavior?

This story is not about Gov. Palin's daughter or the baby. It is not about the vetting process. It is not about Senator McCain's judgment. This is just another tactic used by sick individuals trying to hurt Senator McCain and Gov. Palin. I do not understand how this hurts their campaign. Maybe I am stupid, but I do not see how the pregnancy of Gov. Palin's daughter is relevant in the election process. It does, however, show me that the left is afraid of the McCain-Palin ticket. What does this story highlight? Does it highlight the fact that Senator McCain picked a running mate who has a family that, like all families, has made mistakes? To me it shows that a traditional family is the foundation of America. Children will always make mistakes, we all know this. I fear for the child that makes a similar mistake but has no support.
If we can stop the deterioration of the family and the destruction of the support it brings then I believe a lot of the problems we see in America will decrease. I know that people will say that I am oversimplifying the problem but in my experience the simplest solutions are the most effective and efficient.

As I step off my soapbox I would like to offer this last question:
Do you want a President who will protect America, respect life at all ages, respect your individual rights, nurture personal development, demand personal responsibility, make tough decisions and KEEP America great?
Do you want a President who will minimize our military and negotiate with terrorists, allow the murder of innocent infants, take away your guns, nurture instant gratification, demand successful people to pay for the lazy, check the polls for decisions and CHANGE America?

1 comment:

Chris McClure aka Panhandle Poet said...

I thought Gov. Palin's response was outstanding.