Being an idealist, I would never believe that a member of Congress was unpatriotic or he/she hated America (then I learned of Nancy Pelosi). I do not believe that Senator Obama is a bad man or even a bad legislator. The reason for my conclusion is based on the belief that you are innocent until proven guilty. Let me explain. I hardly know anything about him. I do not know the type of information that a American Citizen would need to vote for him. It is a big decision, casting your vote for the person to rule the greatest nation ever. I do believe, that Senator Obama is hurting his campaign (big time) by only speaking when his words are "teleprompted". When will Senator Obama keep his promise and go on the Factor? Maybe he is not the "Great Orator" that everyone claims he is. Maybe this little point is enough for me to assume that he is too naive and too inexperienced to win the Long War. I know that everyone has their faults and that at some point in life they have made mistakes but all I hear about Senator Obama lately is negative. Being curious I look into the negatives to see if they are true and I see stuff like this.
Check this out
Is this the type of person who you want to lead this country? If he is your "Savior" please tell me how you came to this conclusion and what "Change" is he going to bring to America.
I do have a suggestion for Senator Obama: Change yourself. Do the hard interviews, tell America who you really are. Who knows, America might like you. I do not vote Republican just because I am a Republican. I vote for the person, their leadership principles and traits, their strength, their wisdom, their walk with God and their views.
Open Thread
1 day ago
I couldn't agree more. It's a frightening thing when the possible future president's wife dislikes America and the man himself was a member of a seemingly-anti-American church. Why be president if you don't like America? It can't be changed THAT much.
I concur 100%... There was this post about what Obama is capable of doing and that would be doom if he gets elected.. Check out Tangled Web's post on August 24th, 2008...- - pretty mind boggling and very true and scary...
awakening post mate!
Hi Mark43,
I support Barack Obama as our next president, but I wouldn't call him my 'Savior'. He and the Democrats bring new ideas to the table after a disastrous 8 years of Bush-Cheney leadership. Unfortunately, the Republicans have taken this country down the wrong path and 3/4 of the population are unhappy. They're unhappy about an unjust war in Iraq, a record deficit, eroding civil liberties, a sagging economy and more.
John McCain's plans aren't much different than George W. Bush's plans. Tax cuts that benefit the wealthy more than the middle or lower class, a foreign policy that puts aggression before diplomacy, an energy policy that favors record profit oil companies over alternative energy sources... etc, etc. If you think you, your family and this country are in great shape after the past 8 years, then by all means vote Republican. Me and a lot of other citizens don't think so and are supporting the Democratic ticket.
In regards to appearing on The Factor... Bill O'Reilly isn't 'fair and balanced' and isn't even a journalist. Obama already appeared on Fox News - a channel that has an obvious Republican agenda. Should McCain appear on Countdown with Keith Olberman?
The new book you reference about Obama by known swift-boater and bigot Jerome Corsi is full of untruths. Just check his report card on PolitiFact (
Obama is not perfect nor is McCain, but the Democrats will lead this country in a new direction and that sounds like a good idea to me.
Don't be fooled by the politics of fear and the F.U.D. (fear, uncertainty & doubt) that is prominent in this election year. Obama isn't Muslim, he's a Christian and a U.S. citizen. His wife isn't anti-American and he'll bring leadership, not doom. Research the facts yourself:
Get the facts:
Don't fall for the smears:
@RR: To start out I want you to know that I respect you as a fellow American and welcome your opinion. Open forums such as these where individuals can come together to discuss differing opinions, especially political ones, are a demonstration of the greatness that is American democracy.
I would like to begin by asking you a few rhetorical questions.
Who has the majority in Congress?
Who has a LOWER approval rating that President Bush?
I am positive that we can both agree that the President does not bear full responsibility for the fortune and/or misfortune of the United States. All three branches of the government play equally important roles when it comes to the leadership of this country. I, like most Americans, would like to of seen more progress made during Bush’s presidency. However, there is not one leader, past or present, who has fulfilled everyone’s expectations where leadership is concerned. The President of the United States must possess the ability to make the tough decisions and choose the best path. The decisions an experienced, responsible President makes will not always keep everyone happy, but they will always be in the best interest of the American people. TOUGH decision making requires experience, wisdom, and great judgment, all things which I believe Senator Obama is lacking.
In regards to the "disastrous eight years", I honestly believe that part of the economic downfall can be attributed to the legacy of President Clinton. A greedy, unchecked mortgage industry can also share in the blame. Mortgagers who happily encouraged Americans to buy homes they couldn’t afford (just pay interest), then helped them use those homes as ATMs to finance unsustainable lifestyles.
We must never forget that America, OUR America was attacked by TERRORISTS on September 11, 2001. Since America took action and DEFENDED herself not a single American citizen has lost their life on American soil to these freedom hating murderers.
My understanding of Senator Obama’s “change” is more late term abortions, the destruction of the traditional family, the redistribution of hard earned wealth, from those who work to those who are looking for a handout, our gun rights stripped, and a weak military.
I was unaware that Senator McCain PROMISED Keith Olberman that he would appear on his show.
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